Der aeroHEALTH Lenkungsausschuss

Das aeroHEALTH-Konsortium besteht aus den hauptverantwortlichen Wissenschaftlern (PIs) und den Co-PI's aus den Forschungsgruppen des Helmholtz Zentrum München, des Forschungszentrum Jülich und des Weizmann Institute for Science in Israel. PI sind: aeroHEALTH-Sprecher Prof. R. Zimmermann und Prof. F. Theis/Prof. A. Marsico für das HMGU, Prof. A. Kiendler-Scharr für das FZJ und Prof. Y. Rudich für das WIS. Co-PI sind Dr. H. Czech und Dr. C. Ogris (HMGU), Dr. T. Hohaus (FZJ), Dr. M. Pardo (WIS) und Dr. D. Gat (WIS).

Helmholtz Zentrum München

Prof. Dr. Ralf Zimmermann (PI)
Sprecher des aeroHEALTH Helmholtz International Laboratory
Cooperation Group Comprehensive Molecular Analytics (CMA)
University of Rostock


Dr. Hendryk Czech (Co-PI)
Projekt Manager des aeroHEALTH Helmholtz International Laboratory
Cooperation Group Comprehensive Molecular Analytics (CMA) and Chair of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, University of Rostock


Prof. Dr. Fabian Theis (PI)
Institute of Computational Biology


Prof. Dr. Annalisa Marsico (PI)
Institute of Computational Biology


Dr. Christoph Ogris (Co-PI)
Institute of Computational Biology


Forschungszentrum Jülich

Prof. Dr. Kiendler-Scharr (PI)
Institute of Energy and Climate Research
Group Stable Isotopes in Aerosols

Dr. Thorsten Hohaus (Co-PI)
Institute of Energy and Climate Research
Group Stable Isotopes in Aerosols


Weizmann Institute of Science

Prof. Dr. Yinon Rudich (PI)
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Faculty of Chemistry



Dr. Michal Pardo (Co-PI)
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Faculty of Chemistry

Dr. Daniela Gat (Co-PI)
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Faculty of Chemistry